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  • Sunanda Jalote, LMHC

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    Supervision has been one of the most helpful ways of learning and growing as a therapist for me. It helped (and still does) in learning how to navigate this complicated field. Good supervisors can make all the difference; not just in helping clients, but also in reducing therapist burnout and fostering sustainability in this field, and importantly, in not losing the self while being a therapist and caretaker. At least that’s how it has been for me. I have been lucky to have some amazing supervisors and mentors who helped me find my voice, encouraged my development, but also challenged me to rest, to process the heaviness of being a therapist, and most definitely to help my clients explore and grow in ways they want and need. 

    As a clinical supervisor myself, that’s how I approach supervision – a kind of professional therapy space where client issues and dynamics are important, and so are the therapist’s experiences and understanding of how these impact their practice. As a therapist, I draw from an eclectic blend of modalities such as – IFS, Feminist, Narrative, and multicultural therapy. I am also trained in Brainspotting, and integrate that into my practice where it fits. In my clinical practice, I work primarily with individuals, QTPOC, communication issues, and complex trauma, and aim to do so in anti-racist and anti-oppressive ways. In supervision, I have an integrated and existential approach, informed by my clinical and personal experiences. What that means is that I interrogate therapy as a field regularly and will challenge supervisees to do the same. Historically and presently, therapeutic practices have been harmful to many communities. I believe it is our responsibility to continuously scrutinize the field, and to find ways to engage in clinical work that are anti-carceral and intentional. 

    I aim to create a supervisory environment that names and tries to balance power dynamics in the room through an open feedback channel, that fosters not only clinical growth but also helps with life as a human person who is also a therapist. My aim is to empower supervisees to find their therapeutic voices and feel confident, to navigate the complexities of therapy while questioning them, and to balance client care with self care. 

    What the supervision space will look like:

    Once we decide we want to work together, I will share a supervision “contract” with supervisees, which will lay out some of my approaches and aims for supervision, and ask for supervisees’ clinical, professional, and personal goals. While our goals will evolve and change with time, the document will lay the foundation for our expectations of one another. 

    Supervision will include case consultations, and sometimes I may suggest some focused topics based on supervisees’ needs and goals, as well as common themes emerging through the cases. Some topics that have come up in the past include managing conflict in therapy, communication patterns, power dynamics, etc. I keep a running document for supervision where we can add agenda items, and I put notes which I take during sessions. 

    If you are interested in working with me, please fill this form or email me at 

    Complete this FORM if you are interested in Supervision or Consultation with me: