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  • About Us

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    Our Mission

    Fresh Path NY seeks to provide an affirming, safe and accessible therapeutic environment for individuals, partners and families to process and work on their stated issues and goals. Our ultimate goal is to help clients feel empowered, affirmed, self-efficacious, and confident in all aspects of their lives.

    Our Process

    Meaningful therapeutic interactions and the use of carefully chosen modalities and interventions ensures that therapy is tailored to you and your needs. FPNY operates from an anti-oppressive framework across all modalities.

    Let's work together

    We are excited to be a part of your wellness journey. Contact us today to get started.

    Fresh Path NY Mental Health Counseling PLLC is a group private practice dedicated to providing telehealth therapy and coaching services to individuals, partners and families.  Our team is dedicated and specialized in issues affecting LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, and Open & Poly communities.

    Our practice is:

    Trauma-informed – we recognize the impact that trauma has on the body and mind and work with clients using body-based/somatic, cognitive, and neuro-experiential approaches.

    Anti-oppressive & Intersectional – we recognize intersecting visible and invisible identities and the harmful cumulative impact of systemic oppression, -phobias, and -isms in our lives.

    Eclectic – we believe in a relational and client-empowered therapeutic relationship and we use various modalities to personalize and maintain a client-centered process.

    Holistic – we believe in the wholeness of being and embrace an integrated approach to our therapeutic and coaching practices.

    Accessible – our telehealth services and range of rates seeks to support clients regardless of location with New York State and across varying financial circumstances.

    Change is possible. Healing is possible.  Achieving your goals is possible. We are excited to work with you on your journey.

    Let's work together on your journey

    Meet Our Staff

    Marie Feltio, MHC-LP

    Marie Feltio, MHC-LP

    Specialities: Individuals & Families, LGBTQIA+, Intergenerational Trauma, Immigration issues, Abuse, Neglect and Abandonment, Homelessness, Gender and Racial Discrimination, Trauma, Depression.
    Sunanda Jalote, LMHC

    Sunanda Jalote, LMHC

    Specialties: LGBTQIA+, Gender & Sexuality, BIPOC, Sexual and Gender Based Violence, Mood Disorders, Identity issues, Communication and Relationship, CNM/Poly Relationships, Immigration issues, Trauma.
    Averie Jiang <span style="display:none;">Mandarin Bio</span>

    Averie Jiang Mandarin Bio

    作为一名非二元性别者,我投入了大量心力去弄明白“我是谁”,因此,我会像重视自己的身份一样珍重“你是谁”,包括但不限于性别认同、性取向/浪漫取向、种族/民族,以及不同身份碰撞出的独特处境。 作为边缘群体的一员,我目睹了性少数被原本应提供给ta们支持和保护的人伤害,比如家人和咨询师。大量的咨询师站在权威的位置上,以异性恋本位的态度给性少数来访者造成了二次伤害,使得这些边缘群体更难以信任心理咨询师,从而更不愿意寻求ta们所需的帮助。因此,我想成为一名具有文化敏感度的心理咨询师。 我在华盛顿大学获得心理学学士学位,目前正在纽约大学攻读心理健康咨询专业,师从Sunanda Jalote。我曾在中国的两家LGBTQ+非营利组织工作,支持性别非二元者、女同性恋、双性恋女性及跨性别者。在工作中,我处理过身份探索、人际关系、社会孤立、自尊以及出柜等多种议题。 我认为我们许多的问题是对系统性不平等和社会结构的正常反应(所谓的“政治性抑郁”)。因此,我在实践中采用社会正义与女权主义的方法,不只专注个人层面的问题,也讨论世界上正在发生、并对我们造成影响的事情。受到那些为进步铺路的运动家的启发,我鼓励我的来访者参与社会运动,为弱势群体发声,以重拾ta们的主体性。在应对无力感的路上,你不是一个人。我们可以共同应对这些挑战,相互赋能,实现有意义的变革。 我相信人类天生就有自我实现的渴望与潜能;然而,资本主义的压力和萦绕不散的创伤阻碍了我们的发展。为了帮助来访超越这些障碍,我专注于来访者的优势,并融入存在主义的哲学。事实上,人们承受的许多痛苦并非精神疾病的表现,而是在遭遇存在危机时发出的叩问——“我是谁?”“在无意义的荒原中,我的存在有什么意义?”“我该如何无意义的阴翳下生活?”对这些问题感到痛苦,恰恰证明了我们作为人类的力量,也是个人成长的机会。我会根据来访者的需求去定制适合ta们的行为疗法:通过行动创造意义,变成更自由的存在。 最后,我希望超越当下的时空,与来访者内在的容易受伤的小孩建立联结。我知道你在过去遭受了痛苦,因此我希望为你提供一个安全的、免于恐惧的空间。我们可以一起探索你的经历,创造新的、治愈的时刻。:) 如果你觉得我是一个适合你的咨询师,请联系我。不必有压力,我们可以一起梳理你的问题。
    Averie Jiang

    Averie Jiang

    Specialities- LGBTQIA+, trauma, identity and intersectionalities, feminist and social justice approach, strength-based approach, BIPOC, Asian and Mandarin speakers
    Work with Me

    Work with Me

    Supervision has been one of the most helpful ways of learning and growing as a therapist for me. It helped (and still does) in learning how to navigate this complicated field. Good supervisors can make all the difference; not just in helping clients, but also in reducing therapist burnout and fostering sustainability in this field, […]

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